New Life Birthing Academy


I am a proud mother of 3 and founder of New Life Birthing Academy & Doula Services. My interest in birth began before I met my husband, back when I was in college.  I watched natural birth shows and thought “One day that’s what I want!” Then, after the birth of my of first child I had my “Ah-ah” moment and knew I that I wanted to help other families through this life experience. I enjoy being a "foodie" with my husband, traveling, reading, and being creative.

The Academy

-Education is an important key to having a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery, and happy baby.
-I provide you with all the information needed to make informed birth and parenting decisions that fit you.
-By eliminating your fear of the unknown you will feel confident, which will create a powerful, positive, and peaceful birth experience.

Classes Cover:
-Infant care
-Water, home, and hospital deliveries

Also Offering:
-Breastfeeding Support
-Belly casting

Labor Doula Services

As a Labor Doula, I meet with you before the birth of your baby to get to know you, go over your birth plan, and answers any question you may have. Clients are welcome to contact me 24/7. I am there for you from the time you go into labor and offer support (both physical & emotional) and information every step of the way. I am also there for the father to help ease his nerves and guide him in ways that he may be able to help you. I stay postpartum to help initiate breastfeeding and skin to skin contact that are both so vital to you and your baby.
Brianna Anders
CCCE, CLD, Waterbirth and CPR Certified